
Microsoft Akan Melancarkan Tablet "Pembunuh iPad"

Microsoft nampaknya akan segera melancarkan tablet 'pembunuh iPad'. Beberapa media besar di AS mendapatkan jemputan untuk acara pengumuman dari Microsoft tersebut.

Seperti dikutip dari Mashable, khabar angin kini mulai beredar mengenai tablet 'pembunuh iPad' dari Microsoft, iaitu sebuah tablet yang menggunakan sistem operasi Windows 8.

Blog Hollywood, The Wrap mengatakan bahawa Microsoft akan melancarkan sebuah produk yang akan menjadi pesaing kepada produk Apple.

Ini mungkin langkah konkrit pertama daripada Microsoft yang ingin melancarkan tablet.

Antara tahun 2008 hingga 2010, Microsoft sempat mengusahakan projek tablet bernama 'Courier'. Projek itu kemudian dibatalkan tidak lama setelah Steve Jobs mengumumkan kehadiran iPad generasi pertama.

Read more: http://foren-6.blogspot.com/2012/06/microsoft-akan-melancarkan-tablet.html#ixzz2Dmxq2DV0

Blog SAZEMA - Sahabat Zello Malaysia

Blog SAZEMA - http://sazema.blogspot.com

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Cara-cara untuk tukar HDD Laptop Dell Inspiron N4010

Bagi mereka yg ingin membeli laptop, disarankan agar melihat dulu kedudukan RAM, HDD dan chip WiFi. Ini adalah untuk memudahkan mereka upgrade atau menukar part2 tersebut.

Bagi model Dell Inspiron N4010, untuk menukarkan HDD yang rosak, anda perlu membuka 35 biji skru di belakang laptop dan di mobo. Ini sangat menyukarkan pengguna biasa kerana jika mereka tidak berpengalaman, mereka mungkin terpaksa menghantarnya kepada teknisyen terlatih, hanya semata-mata untuk menukarkan HDD sahaja. 

Cuma yang bagus disini ialah orang susah untuk mencuri HDD tersebut.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab

Mobo problem

Mobo problem biasanya belaku disebabkan tidak diservice dgn baik. Selalu membiarkan cpu atau motherboard penuh dengan habuk terutama habuk dibahagian kipan prosesor.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab

Motherboard beep error codes

So you turn on your system and you get beep error codes......not sure what those beeps mean?

Well, here you go:

1 Short Beep.
One beep is good! Everything is ok, that is if you see things on the screen. If you don't see anything, check your monitor and video card first. Is everything connected? If they seem fine, your motherboard has some bad chips on it. First reset the SIMM's and reboot. If it does the same thing, one of the memory chips on the motherboard are bad, and you most likely need to get another motherboard since these chips are soldered on.

2 Short Beeps.
Your computer has memory problems. First check video. If video is working, you'll see an error message. If not, you have a parity error in your first 64K of memory. First check your SIMM's. Reseat them and reboot. If this doesn't do it, the memory chips may be bad. You can try switching the first and second banks memory chips. First banks are the memory banks that your CPU finds its first 64K of base memory in. You'll need to consult your manual to see which bank is first. If all your memory tests good, you probably need to buy another motherboard.

3 Short Beeps.
Basically the same thing as 2 beeps. Follow that diagnosis above.

4 Short Beeps.
Basically the same thing as 2 beeps. Follow that diagnosis above. It could also be a bad timer

5 Short Beeps.
Your motherboard is complaining. Try reseating the memory and rebooting. If that doesn't help, you should consider another motherboard. You could probably get away with just replacing the CPU, but that's not too cost-effective. Its just time to upgrade!

6 Short Beeps.
The chip on your motherboard that controls your keyboard (A20 gate) isn't working. First try another keyboard. If it doesn't help, reseat the chip that controls the keyboard, if it isn't soldered in. If it still beeps, replace the chip if possible. Replace the motherboard if it is soldered in.

7 Short Beeps.
Your CPU broke overnight. Its no good. Either replace the CPU, or buy another motherboard.

8 Short Beeps.
Your video card isn't working. Make sure it is seated well in the bus. If it still beeps, either the whole card is bad or the memory on it is. Best bet is to install another video card.

9 Short Beeps.
Your BIOS is bad. Reseat or Replace the BIOS.

10 Short Beeps.
Your problem lies deep inside the CMOS. All chips associated with the CMOS will likely have to be replaced. Your best bet is to get a new motherboard.

11 Short Beeps.
Your problem is in the Cache Memory chips on the motherboard. Reseat or Replace these chips.

1 Long, 3 Short Beeps.
You've probably just added memory to the motherboard since this is a conventional or extended memory failure. Generally this is caused by a memory chip that is not seated properly. Reseat the memory chips.

1 Long, 8 Short Beeps.
Display / retrace test failed. Reseat the video card.

Author: Skyguy

AWARD BIOS beep codes
1 long, 2 short.
Indicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information

This issue can be caused by any of the below situations.
  1. New hardware conflicting with old hardware.
  2. Bad or failing hardware device.
  3. Connections not connected or connected properly.
  4. Recent electrical storm that caused a surge that damaged the computer.
  5. Or other hardware issue.
Any other beep(s)
3 short beeps
RAM problem.

1.Remove added memory
If it boots up then you either have compatibility issues or defective ram.

2.Open computer and reseat memory
Sometimes when the computer is moved and over time a memory stick can become loose causing the computer to either get errors from trying to read the ram or does not read the ram at all.
Try fixing this issue by opening the computer taking out the memory and reseating them back in.

3.Swap the Memory
sometimes one stick could die out over time (especially if it is overclocked) but one could still be good. So swap the location of the memory. that still does not work, take out all the memory but leave one in the Dimm slot closest to the processor, and test them all out individually to see which one is causing the problem.

4. try another computer memory
if you have another computer handy that works try using the memory from that computer.
If the memory from the other computer works, then you know that you have bad memory. If the other computes memory does not work and it is compatible with your computer unfortunately your motherboard and or the slots on the motherboard are defective causing it to be unable to properly read the memory, which means the motherboard will have to be replaced.

PHOENIX BIOS beep codes
The Phoenix beep codes have a huge list of them so I will name the ones that I think would be the best to know if or when your having problems. But I could also be wrong about them, most of them I have is from notes I doodled down a while ago.

1-1-1-3 = Verify Real Mode
1-1-2-1 = checks for CPU type
2-3-1-1 = Test expanded memory, the rest of the memory after 640k
2-4-1-3 = Check for configuration errors
2-4-2-3 = Check for keyboard errors
3-4-1-3 = Post Done
3-4-2-1 = One beep
4-2-1-1 = Interupt Handler Error
4-2-1-3 = Unkown interupt error
4-2-2-3 = Initialize option ROM error
4-2-3-1 = Shutdown error
4-3-2-3 = Bios is ok

20-006-2012 : Laptop Compaq - NTDETECT FAILED


-          Try to resolve by copy it from another pc, FAILED
-          Don't panic just yet. http://www.techsupportforum.com/images/smilies/1-grin.gifTry running the XP repair again. The administrator password is blank by default, so unless you actually set one, just press Enter.
-          If that works, type in:
COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
where X is the drive letter for your CD drive.
-          Remove the CD and type exit.
-          Reboot your machine and see if that has fixed the problem.
-          FAILED...
-          So, we backup the files and re-format it

0034-2012 : Desktop Asmin Mudin - Tak boleh switch on

  • Desktop clone kepunyaan En. Asmin Mudin. Wife dia yang hantar mintak tengokkan...
  • Tak boleh on
  • Tapi bila test pasang ok plak.
  • Check dulu ler
  • Ok, boleh run tapi dlm system cam banyak error.

0032-2012 : Netbook 1 Malaysia tak boleh surf internet.

  • -          Model natsys, 1 Malaysia.
  • -     Tak boleh masuk/ log in ke internet.
  • -          Ada AVG 2011/2012
  • -          Avast
  • -          Avira lagi…
  • -          Remove AV yg lain dan tinggal Avira je..
  • -          Baru laju skit
  • -          Install CCleaner ..
  • -     Beres...

0027-2012 : Laptop tak boleh nak switch on

  • -          Tak boleh on,
  • -          Tekan switch on, terus mati.
  • -          Check mobo n prosesor…
  • -          Mobo bekas kena bukak sblm ni. Ada skru yg hilang dan bekas tanda dgn maker merah.
  • -          Reflow display chip, OK…. Kejap jer… pastu jadi balik…
  • -          Capslock berkelip  1 kali tapi delay ; prosesor problem? 
  • -     Test reflow balik.
  • -          Ok tapi bila on, ada bunyi bip berterusan, berhenti bila masuk windows.
  • -          Ada password ; tah… leer.. wa reset balik daaa
  • -     Pasang semua part dan switch on. OK, beres tapi keyboard bermasalah di key A dan Arrow  Key. 
  •  Call kastemer bgtau nak tukar atau tak.
  • -          Change k/board ; confirm.
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